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Old 05-17-2014, 12:45 PM
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Join Date: May 2011
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Originally Posted by GingerK
Tessagin, I started to make this pattern which is very fat quarter friendly.

But because I was enlarging to a queen size from a lap size, the pattern was lost in the middle of the quilt. Plus I had too many colours. It just bacame a mismash. So I cut everything down to 7 inches and tried again. Then I realized that it was just too too busy. So I put the 1/4 inch reveal sashing between the strips. Doubled my work. Grrrrr....but happy with the final result. Worst was laying it all out. Had to do it on paper first, numbering each colour and lettering each shade, then laid it out on the dining room floor, then pinned each strip separately then took them all upstairs and sewed them. Got my exercise!!
I like your end result better than the one that you thought you were going to make it's awesome!
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