Old 05-19-2014, 07:06 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Posts: 1,040

My last featherweight had a slight odor to the machine and the case. I put it outside in the sunlight all day and it did seem to help some. Then somewhere, I don't believe it was on this board, I read to use a bar of Irish Spring. Put it in the case, close the case and let it set for a week. I am currently using this method. I can't tell you yet it is will totally remove the smell but I do think it is working. For the machine, I just let it sit outside in the sun for a few hours every day that the sun shines. I think it is slowly losing it's smell also. I might add these odors were not very bad so I don't know about these techniques if the odor is extremely pungent.
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