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Old 05-19-2014, 07:56 AM
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I really like the Band-Aid brand Activ-Flex bandages I tried for the first time.

I placed one around my thumb and another kind of at a slant around the tip and angled down. It is staying in place well. I cut a slit on the second one, on the thumb pad side to get it to conform to my finger.

It seems to have some silicone in it, and seems very durable as I've gotten it wet a few times. I was having issues with everything else slipping off my finger.

I've been able to knit with it, and if my cold is truly gone I may be able to sew today!

This might work for you to replace what the Dr. put on your finger, or if (like me) you didn't go to the Dr.

I'm talking about my thumb incident. Luckily, when I sewed my finger the acrylic nail broke but saved the needle from going all the way through! My fake nails were very thick before I started doing my own!

Hope you're feeling better by now!
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