Old 05-21-2014, 06:28 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

So glad everyone is out and about. The weather decided to be "normal" the last couple of days. Just got off the lawn mower--still have a lot to do, but it's dark now. A very full day again today. Worked over 4 hours in one flower bed. Found where I have to add plants--lots of winter kill this year. After the marathon weeding I took the pickup to the local nursery--they sell wood chips by the skidsteer scoop. Got three scoops for $16 a scoop. Each scoop will mulch 75 sq feet of beds. I don't think I'll have any left over once I get started. Then went to 5 yo school program--it was short so hopped on the lawn mower for 2 hours. Now I'm ready to call it a day especially since it started at 6:30. Yikes am I becoming an early bird. I love spring, but boy is my body feeling it tonight.
Carrie I have more orioles than hummers this year. There must be a half dozen pair flying around. This year orchard orioles came..and already have 2 nests built. The hummers are going to be enjoying apple blossoms soon. The cedar waxwings will come in then too. Do take care of yourself...hope the housekeeping job is less stressful for you.
Night all.
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