Old 05-26-2014, 07:14 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Brady TX
Posts: 6,613

WOW! It rained so much while I was in Brady. I can't remember seein' rain for more that 1 day in years. At least not since I've been married. We got 5 inches in Brady & 3 inches here in Midland!
We had a great time. We did git the lots mowed & most o' the area around the house before the rain hit. I did git a block done for a cancer geometric quilt. I also did a li'le bit o' work on the QAYG Sunbonnet Sue. I've been workin' on it for about 2 years. I don't work on it at home so I have decided not ta bring it home. Maybe I need ta take it ta a retreat. It's for a DF o' DH. Her DM died about 12 years ago & had all o' these blocks appliqued & hand quilted. I'm joinin' 'em tagether. Ya'd think it wouldn't take so much prep ta git it ready ta sew.
We watched 2 new movies & several that we have already seen.
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