Thread: humming birds
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Old 05-27-2014, 05:55 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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Our hummers have been here since sometime in April. We have 7 feeders out in the front yard and 4 in the back yard.
They definitely keep one busy filling them all. We too have had squatters, they began last year, with some orioles and this year we have had field sparrows and just regular sparrows as well as a few orioles. We don't seem to have as many this year as we have had in the past. I know for sure we have at least 6 hummers this year. They have darling stand off battles all day long, especially late in the evening. We have one n the back and one in the front that acts like sentry guard for some of the feeders- protecting it's feeder.
DH and I have found that the tube or cylinder feeders aren't bothered by squatters as much as the short circular feeders are. We make our own feed, 4 cups of boiled water and one cup of sugar. We do not use any coloring. I keep a supply in the fridge at all times. It has been so dry that there aren't flowers for them to feed on. DH has planted some new vines hoping this will help them. We have been feeding them for at east 10 years now and they return very year.
We have light tan, one green with a beautiful purple throat, and several with a black head a white ringed neck. I haven't seen a rufus this year, but we have had some in the past. I watch them every morning while drinking my cup of hot tea, and all through the day. Morning and evening are my favorite times to go out and watch their little battles. Just more of God's beautiful creations.
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