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Old 05-30-2014, 12:51 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
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Posts: 192
Default Favorite In The Hoop Project?

I got an embroidery machine for Christmas, and so far have used it for only a few projects. I have quilted a baby quilt, and am working on quilting a twin size now, and have made a few in the hoop projects like a pineapple block pincushion, a pressing pad, and added a couple embroidery designs on things like bags and onesies.

Today I have been slacking off at work, surfing around looking at lots of ITH projects. I started off with the idea of finding an ITH e-reader case for my Nook, and from there I have bookmarked/pinned at least a dozen things that are in no way related to an e-reader case LOL. My head is spinning because there are about a million projects that I want to work on at the same time. I am trying to tell myself I am not allowed to purchase anything else to add to my list of Projects-To-Do... but we all know how well that usually works out.

So what is your favorite ITH project? I am so excited to explore this new (to me) technique!
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