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Old 05-30-2014, 07:30 PM
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luvTooQuilt's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: A Hop from Heaven, a Skip from Sanity and a Jump from the Good Life....
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Mines pretty takes up almost 1/3 of the basement... I have my washer and dryer.. Magnetic metal clothes hanger-rack-thingy that attaches to the dryer and is like an extra arm to hold items to hang- pretty awesome.. cabinets above both to hold opened laundry detergents and softeners, color catchers and all that other stuff we need. mud sink for the extreme grubbies under the window, and a Propane Stove .. Yes a full working stove for canning and when the power goes out, we get really bad ice storms- once there was no power for 14 days.. across from all that is a counter top with a wall of cabinets ( for my canning stuff) , vintage metal/porcelain table for folding and right next to that is a wall clothing bar..take two steps and you are in front of the cold storage cellar/tornado shelter encased in concrete... few steps past that is the water softener , upright freezers; one for his 'hunting' game and one for me just for 'stuff' like ice cream and other yummy stuff ! across from that is the floor to ceiling shelving unit that hold excess laundry supplies, extra coffee maker, crock pots and what nots not being used, and next to that is drawers and cabinets to hold 'his' hunting gear and out of season wears... walk past that and its the heating/water unit.. few more steps is the hallway that is lined on both side of two 3 compartment laundry sorters, a few more steps and there is another floor to ceiling metal shelving unit to hold extra canning jars and 'his' stuff.. another few steps youre out the laundry room door to the secondary kitchen/bar area... and thats whole 'nother section.. i do spend lots of time in my laundry room.. We have an orchard and a garden.. Need i say more?!?!?
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