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Old 06-03-2014, 03:00 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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While I am in theprocess of making a quilt, my mind is racing with ideas of what the next quilt is going to be. I always have a pad of paper and a pencil on my sewing table and when an idea crosses my mind, I write it down. NO, I DO NOT PHYSICALLY START ANOTHER QUILT UNTIL I AM DONE WITH THE ONE I AM WORKING ON!!!!! This way, when I am done with my quilt I am all ready and set to start the next one. I have the colors picked out and when I am done with my quilt, I get the fabrics I need for that quilt (stash upstairs and in the basement!!!!), pick out the pattern/patterns, depending on if it is a sampler or not (The sampler is basically my trademark)!

But I always finish the quilt I am working on first. When you work on only one thing at a time, you bond with it. That is the best feeling in the world. You work your little be-hind off on it and make your mistakes and fix them, only to do it again and again (three times try to fix, fourth time throw the block out and start out fresh) and it "literally" becomes a part of you. I love that feeling and most of all giving the quilt to someone and watch them enjoy it. I love the bonding part the best. Have a good day! Edie
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