Old 12-24-2009, 12:14 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Las Vegas, NV and Seattle, WA
Posts: 51

Originally Posted by gailmitchell
I don't know about you but in this cold weather, my hands have been so dry this past few weeks. I have listed a recipe for a quilters handcream on my blog.

WOW that's cool, how about fingers?? I saw on TV not long ago, someone "painting" something on their cuticles, and it was for crafts and sore fingers, I get cuts and I keep putting neosporin and whatever else I can find, and they really hurt, it was after I had done a lot of those fleece tie blankets for Christmas gifts? Well my hands are so bad and hurting, anyone know what that stuff is that you paint on your fingers? Looked like clear stuff. HELP please.
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