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Old 06-03-2014, 09:23 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Shelbyville TN
Posts: 137

I work on several projects at a time. I have a quilted diaper bag half finished, a baby quilt waiting for binding, several blocks, dozens of hexagons and dozens of yo-yos I'm not sure what I will do with.

I'm also making three lap size memory quilts for grandsons. I have one half done and two planned. I am including pieces of their mom's (my dd) clothes (only in the quilt center) but I can't open her box of clothing. She passed in January, I got the box in March. Every time I go to do open it I freeze. I have to do it soon because I want the quilts by Christmas.

It's my personality to jump around. I don't get upset for having UFOs. I'm an author and some books take years to write. I design scrapbook kits and they take a few days so I have a few half finished. I write when I feel like writing, design when I feel like designing and sew when I feel like quilting.

I also read several books at a time, I'm currently writing two books, and have a half dozen unfinished blog posts, and several half finished scrapbook designs. So UFO are a way of life for me.

Very interesting thread. Fun to see how different we are.
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