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Old 06-03-2014, 09:20 PM
jo bauer
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 209

How about a scrappy table runner, placemats, christmas stockings, ornaments. There are patterns out there for different width strips. Usually the strips are placed on the batting on the diagonal (somewhere near the middle)and then sewn together one-by-one, pressed with each addition. when one side is sewn turn it around and cover the batting from the raw side of the first strip. put a backing on it and stitch in the ditch, bind. The neat thing here is you can practice with all those decorative stitches (instead of stitch in the ditch) and pretend it's a crazy quilt, or zigzag with different colored threads, practice fmq. I've used scrap strips from 7/8" to 4" all in one piece I usually don't pay much attention to color or print, but I do pay attention to contrast and sometimes theme: like all Christmas fabric. Then you can also add a strip of lace or other trim between one or more strips and jazz the whole piece up with other fabrics such as satin or velvet. Have fun!
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