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Old 06-05-2014, 04:06 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 363
Default Sharing my Eureka moment..

As someone who is impatient, I wanted to get on with FMQ my first large bedsize quilt. I did practise for a time adjusting the machine settings with a practise sandwich (probably not as much practise as would be sensible). I was eager to start so once I thought I had a stitch I liked and sorted the eyelash issue I was off and running. As to be predicted I did not complete it all in one sitting so after a couple of days I returned to it and I swear the mischief fairy had changed the settings - so back to the practise sandwich. Got myself back to the stitch I was happy with until the thread had a break. Rethreaded and then thought to test once more on the practise piece - then decided to see how increasing the speed would play out - wow! progress with practise. So anyone out there who wants to do FMQ from a beginners stance - give it a go, practise play, and be kind to yourself - it will and does improve. I will admit my choice was the easiest option - meandering pattern though I have crossed lines here and there but overall I dont think you can see them.
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