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Old 06-08-2014, 06:21 AM
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Posts: 323

I agree with you, Rhonda! I'm thankful for this moratorium because I simply had lost self control on impulse shopping for beautiful fabrics. And, they still keep coming out every week in LQS's. I've been quite disciplined and only bought backings, borders, sashings, and quilt fabrics for baby quilts requested so far this year. Plus, some bird fabric that was paid (gifted) on our anniversary from my husband.
However, I'm going to my very first real quilt retreat, plus a quilt expo this coming week. Tell me if I'll buy a few fabrics! LOL! But, it's coming up on my birthday so perhaps this is a reasonable expectation to buy some 'gifts' for myself, right?
Overall, it feels really good to recognize what I need versus what I 'want' every time I enter a quilt shop.
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