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Old 06-09-2014, 06:53 AM
J Miller
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Many summers ago when I was more into automotive things there used to be a fight between various oil fans.
Some oils such as Pennzoil used a paraffin base others such as Valvoline used an asphalt base. Don't ask me to explain this I no longer remember the details.
The Valvoline fan(atics) claimed that Pennzoil would destroy your engine with as little as one quart of oil. This was of course B.S. but that was their claim.
The Pennzoil fan(atics) claimed that using Valvoline would crud up the engine.

Which was true? Neither of course.

Which oil did I use? Pennzoil. I've used it since before they went to the plastic bottles.

The point is, paraffin is not a bad thing. Neither is PTFE. Paraffin will not cause the oils to gum up, it's not like you're using a melted candle in your sewing machine.

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