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Old 06-10-2014, 03:24 AM
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Default Quilt Show Scrap Bags

Has anyone filled a Zip-Lock bag with scraps while attending a quilt show?

The past 2 quilt shows I have attended, I have found a large container filled to the brim with quilting fabric scraps in all sizes. I was given a gallon Zip-lock bag and was told I could fill it up for a $1.00. The bag must stay zipped after it is filled. My first thought was that I have my own scrap collection and I certainly don't need more scraps......or do I? What harm could it do to just look? I was told this was a guild fundraiser.

First, I saw my favorite color fabric peeking out at me at the top of the scrap pile. I tugged at it and discovered it was a 2.5" strip. Next, I saw Christmas fabric that I love. Oh look, there is Halloween fabric too. Wow..I see all kinds of plaids..and even flannel polka dot scraps. I squeezed, tucked, and refolded fabric until I filled my bag to near bursting. As I was paying the $1.00, my zipper popped open and fabric sprang out! I was in luck as the lady could not stop laughing as she took my money.

I like having the many varied scraps to make small 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 quilts. Our guild attaches these quilts to stuffed animals. We give the small animals with quilts to first responders to have in their vehicles to hand to children in stressful situations. The scraps are also very useful in I Spy quilts where you fussy cut a certain pattern for the center of a 9 patch.

I wanted to share with you all the fun that can be found exploring other quilters scraps! I hope you find a scrap tub at your next quilt show and that you zip-lock bag stays closed until after you pay.
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