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Old 06-11-2014, 08:23 AM
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Claysville, PA
Posts: 3

I agree, with bearisgray. I think it is 5 colored pieces sewn together with a white piece sewn on the ends. So lets say you used 2" pieces of colored fabric then you may need 2 6" pieces of white. on the ends. After you have sewn all the pieces together, I think I would then place my fabric on a cutting mat on the 45 degree lines and place my ruler on the top where the white and color match leaving a 1/4 seam allowance and cut straight across so you have a 45 degree angle of white fabric. Then keep on cutting until you have enough rectangles. Then put them together in the pattern you wish. It looks like to me there are 8 rows with 4 blocks in each row. Just make sure your edges match.

I hope this is right but that is what it looks like to me. Strip quilting.
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