Old 06-12-2014, 03:14 PM
Quercus Rubra
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Mid-Michigan
Posts: 368

To the person who has my name and Lori...

I thought I would let you know that I will be heading out of town tomorrow until Monday in my yearly pilgrimage to pick up my 11 year old son for the summer as we head down to Troy area to see my Grandson Who will be 3 on Monday (his party is Sunday) and to see my Oldest daughter before heading home.

If my package comes before I get home... know that my Companion will have it on the table waiting for my arrive. So I'm going to say an early "Thank You" just in case gets here. I will be sure to open it, take pictures and send private messages once I get settled.

Be Good Y'all!!
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