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Old 06-13-2014, 03:26 AM
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Originally Posted by knitwitrosie
Thank you all for the advise and support!!

I think I'm going to continue on it as planned and see what happens. Figured I've already cut everything and started piecing it... it would be a shame to rip it all out and scrap it.

If when all is said and done I don't think it'll be a good one for my BFF for Christmas, I still have plenty of time to try again
I love what you are making for your BFF! As someone else said, finish it, smile. Sometimes when I am doubting how my project is turning out, I put it up on the design wall and walk away. Every so often, I would look at it and, golly, it does look better and better! Sometimes I may twink it a bit or just leave it as is. Try it. Your BFF will love you for making such a neat quilt for her!
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