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Old 06-16-2014, 11:43 AM
jo bauer
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 209

Good tip on letting the starch soak in. Does work better if the fabric is damp before you starch. Yup, I still use the bottles of liquid starch (Stay-Flow) sp. is the only one I can find anymore and the directions on the bottle work just fine. I use the medium to starch my fabric in the sink (while still damp from the pre-wash), put them in the washer to spin and then the dryer for a few minutes until they are just damp (time depends on how much fabric). Then I roll them up and put them in the ole plastic bag until I get the time to iron them. If it's going to be a day or two, stick the bag in the fridge to prevent mildew. I also make a mix to put in a spray bottle--way cheaper than buying the cans or the new stuff in a bottle.
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