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Old 06-17-2014, 04:49 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Central Indiana
Posts: 1,112

I have an 16' x 32'area on the top level of a barn style garage with very sloping side/ceiling. I can only have base cabinets in the area so I have 28' of base cabinets with drawers and two with shelves. I have folded my fabric and labeled the drawers with the colors, so I have lots of space. I use one of the shelf areas for my fabric for my backings and for my extra threads. The other I have used to place my FQs in long trays along with odds and ends like starch cans, batting, etc. The slanted walls on the other side of the room I have used to hang all my threads so I can see them easily and the sun does not get them. I have my L shaped desk under the window for the machines and my computer. It works well for me. The center of the room is for my cutting table, big top ironing board, and my long arm HQ Avante. Hope you enjoy yours when you are done.
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