Old 06-20-2014, 09:04 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Long Island
Posts: 24,820

susan, sorry to hear about your sister. You've got you hands full for sure. how's your dad doing.

pat, hope things in your house are doing better to. it's cooler here today too.

Karen let us know what you find out about laurie.

Roserips, nice pkg you got from susan, big green tomatoe and all your goodies. love that sewing fabric. can't find stuff like that here. only at quilt shows.

Cooler here today, inthe 70's. got all the windows open and getting a cool breeze. Zoey is i the kitchen window, waiting for Chowder to pick her up to get her pink cowboy boots for the dude ranch. I guess we're u for an adventure soon.
everyone take care.

come visit for a spell, bring a drink, your choice, and unwind, a warm shoulder is here for you.
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