Old 12-25-2009, 07:34 PM
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WElcome to the world of handquilting. I personally love it. The only things I machie quilt are items for people I know don't know how to care for a quilt properly or small children. I do like the decorative stitches on my machines and use them as often as possible. But when it comes to qulting there is nothing like handquilting. I use a leather thimble and I have also taught myself to use both hands. If you are a touch typer or play the piano it makes it easier to quilt in both directions as your hands are already trained to work equally. When I quilt with my left hand I use a shorter leather thimble on my thumb and push with it. If I am not using a stationary frame like my floor hoops but a lap PBC frame I only use the right hand and just turn the item being quilted around to go the other direction.

Good Luck
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