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Old 06-21-2014, 06:26 PM
Mrs. SewNSew
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I was waiting for you to write this! Well I was until last week when I decided on my own that a few were "parts machines". I think I grabbed most of the same parts you did except for the needle bar and I may have missed a pressure foot lifter. What I could take I did and it really is a good learning experience to have no fear in taking one apart. I bagged the remains as well and already found that the Kenmore retainer ring in the bobbin area fits a Necchi I am repairing. That comes in handy!

I think that's wonderful that you will show Wilbur how a saved part from one of these donor machines can help repair another. It's a good lesson and will help him be more at peace with the ones that have been parted out.

The more I work on these machines they more I learn to weigh and measure the amount of work and parts I will need to put in against whether I want the machine for myself or whether I can sell the machine (or even give it away!).

It's hard to relegate one to "parts" but also very liberating!
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