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Old 06-22-2014, 06:51 AM
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Location: Macon, Georgia
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Originally Posted by patchy-at-best View Post
$16.50yd would be CHEAP in Australia. You guys really don't appreciate how good you've got it. Seriously, stop complaining.
Originally Posted by patchy-at-best View Post
Sue, I don't think that's correct, not double anyway. Our cost of living is so high it well and truly negates the difference in wages. Average house prices in Australia are at 1/2 million, fuel (gas) is $1.79 a litre and a loaf of bread is around $4.00.
Add to that so much available here from the US is heaped with profit for importers. Eg. Recently I wanted to buy a particular quilting ruler. Only one shop in the whole country sells them, I paid $119 for it. You guys can buy the same ruler in Walmart for $13. Even the manufacturer wouldn't send it to me, too much trouble to package it. When new fabric lines come out, we either have to buy from the States and pay a bomb in postage, or HOPE that we'll eventually get it $28m.
Friends recently went to the States on a quilty buying frenzy. We did the sums when they got back to see what it would've cost here, and the shocking truth was they saved on average 70% on Aussie prices. Pretty steep!!!!

I'm sorry you feel we Americans complain too much but we were given that right in our Constitution. It's called Freedom of Speech. I didn't find this post to complaining but rather informing. We can't express our frustration about the price of fabric to our family and friends who don't sew because they would not truly understand as would other quilters. The cost of Fabric is not the only frustration we have but this is a quilting board. The high cost of food, fuel and other living costs are reported on the news daily. I don't know of any news network reporting the rising cost of fabric. So thank you QuiltingBoard members for keeping me informed.
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