Thread: My Hexies WIP
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by linda faye View Post
Is the picket fence a mylar template? Diamond shape? Could you tell us how you did this? Thanks!
I used Brandy's (I put the link to her site on the first page I think) templates and mylar pieces. She sells everything you need. And she has a video that explains how to use them...generally. Mine are all 1" size.

When you buy the mylar enough to keep you going. I think I bought 2 of the hex and 1 each of the others. You will need hex, diamond and triangles to do this. It is an investment! I think she charges priority for shipping even if you buy 1 little to get it all at once.

Also...I made the blocks and then took out all the mylars except the outer ones, then after I sewed the blocks together, I took out any that didn't need something sewn to it. You will see when you start, that you need the mylar in place in the hex to be able to sew them together neatly. This allowed me to reused the mylar and not have to buy more than 2 bags of them.

This isn't all that hard....time and patience....Also...a note on fussy cutting...I found I needed about 1/2 yard of fabric for each flower rows I cut. Not the centers of course! I used up scraps for most of those. The diamonds could easily be solid fabric then you don't need as much of that.

Last edited by Treasureit; 06-22-2014 at 12:50 PM.
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