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Old 06-23-2014, 07:28 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 281

I chain piece my tops. I sew column 1 block 1 to column 2 block 1, then chain piece column 1 row 2 to column 2 row 2, then column 1 row 3, etc the length of the quilt. Now you have column 1 and 2 chain pieced together. Then I add column 3. So...take the column 1 and 2 section and add column 3 block 1 to the top, column 3 block 2 next, etc.
I do this for the entire quilt and you end up with a completely chain pieced top. I now know which way to press the seams and they match up! If for any reason you mess up, just stitch near the end of the oproblematic one and keep going. If this makes no sense or you want a diagram, let me know and I will try to draw it out. This method has helped me make straighter quilts!
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