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Old 06-26-2014, 12:33 PM
Piper's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 61

Nope, not just you. I'm that way too. But I think we are in the minority.

Actually, I had a substantial stash for years that I rarely tapped into. Either the shade I wanted wasn't just right from my stash and I had to buy new anyway, or I just plain didn't care for the fabric anymore. So one day about a year ago I bagged most of it up and donated it to a local church that has a quilting ministry. They make quilts for kids in need all around the world, so I felt very good about them getting all that fabric. Finally it would be put to some very good use!

These days, I have a very small stash of mostly whites and neutrals, but for the most part my new rule is to buy fabric when I'm ready to begin a new project and then USE it in that project. And I love this way of quilting!! I get to go to the quilt store (or shop online since most of my fabric comes from Missouri Star Quilt Company) quite often without guilt that I will be buying fabric that will sit around and may never get used.

Oh, and this saves me a TON of money since I'm not buying fabric just to sit around for months or years. When I buy fabric now, it gets used right away. Not sitting around, no waste. Love that!!

Last edited by Piper; 06-26-2014 at 12:36 PM.
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