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Old 06-26-2014, 10:49 PM
jo bauer
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 209

I love my stash! I don't care if I ever use it all or not. When I die it will be one heck of a "yard" sale. Actually it will go to charities that quilt. Everyone makes good points here and I can't say that I haven't stood in front of the shelving and thought that it would be impossible to use it all up. I make both scrappy and planned quilts. I take all the left over fabric from a planned quilt and pre cut it for scrappy quilts, different sizes of strips, squares, triangles. I start with the biggest piece I can get (like, maybe, a fat quarter) and then put it all in bins dedicated to shape and/or size. However, my addictive vice is fabric. I can't pass a quilt store, sale or new line of fabric. And you think I'm bad. I'll never forget the day, many years ago now, that DH spent $300 on fabric (all by himself). I had 1 yard in my hand. You better believe we ate noodle casseroles, soups and chili, hamburger, pb&j, tuna, etc. for months on end. He finally bought himself a long arm this spring. I must say I'm blessed to have someone who shares my addiction.
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