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Old 06-28-2014, 04:13 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: New York
Posts: 470

I started making clothes for myself at about 12 or 13 years old. I asked the lady next door who was a retired seamstress to show me how to read and cut out a pattern. Haven't stopped sewing since. I still have my Home and careers apron I made from 7th grade 40 years ago. Since then, I've done pretty much a little of everything including a prom dress and two Irish dance dresses and several quilts. Sewing is my quiet retreat and there's no better feeling when someone compliments something and I say, "I made it". I enjoy making special little unique gifts for friends and family (those I think will appreciate it) and have managed to win some awards at our county fair in various categories . I can't wait to retire someday to devout many more hours to bigger and better projects. My dream would be to get a big long arm and make those gorgeous quilts I see on this board. I love to draw feathers and designs but have not really tried sewing them yet. No time right now, sad to say but this quilting board keeps me inspired and there's a mental database building up for all the projects I want to do when I have more time. Being on the this quilt board keeps me in the game, even when I'm not ready to sit down and focus on a starting project.
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