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Old 06-28-2014, 06:25 AM
Weezy Rider
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 1,165

I simply don't like whatever is in the stores. I resent designers telling me what I "have to have"
I learned to change patterns around for clothes - if I want a different neckline or sleeve, I change it, I color block. I can also digitize embroidery.

Same goes for quilting. I get into some trouble there with technique since no one else does it that way and don't think I should even try it. (I've since found programs that do the math for you) Also run into problems with colors. The ones I like aren't available in a certain year.

This is why I don't subscribe to any quilting magazines. I'll buy one in the store only if it has a good tutorial for a technique I want to learn.

BTW - There is an app for Android called Block Tool. It does yardage for traditional blocks in several sizes.
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