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Old 06-28-2014, 09:34 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,108

my mother taught me to sew at such an early age i don't even remember when. i had my own sewing machine at the age of 5. a singer "hand-me-down" from my grandmother. we made virtually all my clothes until i went out into the world on my own.

i tried to continue garment sewing but once i had to work for a living, there wasn't time. then, as the cost of patterns, material, and notions got continuously higher, i couldn't afford to make my own clothes.

about 15 years ago i stumbled across an episode of Simply Quilts. even though my mother and i never made quilts, it struck me as the perfect way to reconnect to my mom (who had passed away several years earlier) and the memories of our sewing together.

i enjoy the art of quilting for its own sake, but i especially treasure those moments when i can feel my mother watching.
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