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Old 06-28-2014, 12:49 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Kentucky
Posts: 493

My mother was a seamstress, and even worked in sewing factories. She made all my clothes when I was growing up, but couldn't seem to keep in mind that the clothes she made for my sisters weren't stylish for me, since my sisters were both more than 20 years older than me. Since I was brutally made fun of over my clothes, I developed a knee-jerk reaction to anything even remotely related to sewing.

My mother was also an artist and painted many pictures. She even painted a larger than life picture of the "Good Shepherd" on the front wall of our church. I could never paint like she did, but she could be working on a painting and say, "It's missing something, but I don't know what it is". I could look at the painting and immediately tell her what was needed, even though I couldn't actually do it myself.

When a friend of mine from work started a quilting group, I joined just to support her. I told them the first night that I closest I come to sewing is the cross stitch...I get cross every time I look a needle in the eye! LOL! But here I am, 4 1/2 years later and still quilting!

I think for me, quilting sorta combines my mother's talents. I can sew, plus it gives me the opportunity to use the artistic eye I have to create something beautiful. And I don't have to wear anything ugly to do it! LOL!

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