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Old 06-29-2014, 05:29 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 110

Quilting is my hobby! However, as I quilt I can be whomever I want....the artist who chooses colors, the seamstress who creates, the legend in my family who passes the art to the next generation. I "quilted" with my maternal grandmother growing up and I learned much about her life growing up. She passed on love of family, and life lessons on to me for sharing later in life. I can pray as I quilt, giving glory, counting blessings, and asking for help with life. I can share my time with others or love my solitude. The people I meet who share my hobby also share many of my goals and understand me. I don't have to explain myself or validate myself to them. Quilters are a unique group of people who are usually appreciative of life in the past and look forward to the future. How can anyone not appreciate quilting if they really know the quilters? That is why I quilt...
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