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Old 12-26-2009, 03:07 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Somewhere near the water in beautiful Michigan
Posts: 772

A week ago, my DH called me while I was sewing christmas banners at my church. The conversation went something like this:

DH: Your Mom called. You should call her. She wants to ask you something.

ME: What does she need? Who died?

DH: Now, think about this very carefully ... if you say yes, it means you've got to be prepared to feed it ....

ME: Feed what?

DH: Your mother wants to know if you'd like her sewing machine. If you don't take it, it goes to the Goodwill tomorrow. Now, THINK VERY CAREFULLY before you answer ... you know that another mouth to feed means you need more fabric to feed it.....

ME: Are you serious? OF COURSE I WANT THAT MACHINE! [realize that this is an OLD Necchi (oh, circa 1952 or so), in a lovely cabinet, with a knee control, and the machine I used all through high school]. I'm glad she thought to ask me since she's thrown out so much stuff without asking me if I would even like it. And, by the way, dear, I think my stash can handle ANOTHER machine at our house (this should make 6, I think).

So, my question is this: a) how would you respond? and b) how can I make my 17-year-old daughter (who's a senior in high school) move away NOW so I can have her room to sew in????? :evil: :twisted: :-D
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