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Old 07-01-2014, 02:38 AM
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Plastic Prescription bottles - all sizes - I like the huge ones to put my different "feet" for the machine in - they stay dust free and I label the bottles and they are there for me right away and I don't have to go searching for them in a box. I use the smaller ones for needles - I have my binding needles, my tying needles and I label them and there they are. Medium sized for travel. Bobbins fit in them and when traveling you can use the bobbins instead of the spool. I prefer containers with screw lids for pins because the lids can pop off and the screw on lid won't. I learned that one the hard way. I have different sized safety pins and they are all in a container with a screw lid. It sounds like a lot of work, but it sure is a heckuva lot easier than picking up pins off the floor and miss one and hear it go into the vacuum cleaner. Ewwwww!!!!!

Personally, I like the glass jars. I use the plastic stuff for freezing soup and homemade applesauce!

Make it a good day! Edie
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