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Old 07-02-2014, 04:12 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: MO (the Show Me state)
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Barb sometimes its necessary to lower the swap gavel unfortunately. Sorry to hear about Jarenie's illness. I will send her a card and I already have her address from the March birthday swap. Life does get in the way sometimes while we are trying to have fun. While I may not comment on this thread very often, I do check it everyday.

In the mode of sharing:

1) My family is going through some illness now also. My SIL has endstage ovarian cancer (last 2 yrs) that seems to have the whole family edge of the seat captivated. I have been helping my brother and his family (3 kids) during this whole crisis. My SIL has truly been blessed during all of this because just when you think she has turned a corner, she snaps right back. It has truly been uplifting to see what the power of faith can do for one.

2) My fabric obsession. What can I say. I have sewn since the age of 8 yrs old and have always had one. When I was clothes making (my own designs of boutique children's clothing) I had lots of fabric and I mean lots. I had purged the herd through the years and then I started quilting. I have lots of fabric again. And the problem comes in that there are more and more new fabrics I want or need to complete certain projects. Where does it end? So..... I have decided to try and feed my fabric need through fabric giveaways on the web. I will give my self 6 months to see what happens. There are many giveaways on the web to try my hand at. I have won a Hamilton Beach Durathon iron so far. No fabric yet but I will keep trying.

3) I quit a job that was making me so unhappy and sick. I know that is scary in today's market but I prayed about it for months before I did so. The job was making me physically sick and emotionally sick. I weighed my health against what this job had to offer and my health won. Now I am back on the job market. My skills are in accounting so I hopefully will find something that will meet my financial needs to take vacations. During the huge corporate layoffs from several years ago, I had revamped my whole style of living.... I live within my means. I had been working towards that goal for years and I am totally debt free now. So.... I need a job that satisfies my need to travel and see the world and keep me supplied in fabric that makes me happy.

4) Oh and I have developed a vintage sewing machine love along the way. I have a few of them (two 15-91, 15-125, 128 and 301A all Singers) but still want a Singer featherweight to complete the collection. I have one Singer 15-91 that needs new wires and I found a retired repairman that wants nothing more that to be helpful. So he is going to rewire and service my machine for the sum of ..... $35.00. What a deal! When I had talked to vintage restorers earlier, that total was upwards of $90.00. I will now have all working sewing machines. I sew mostly on my 15-91 which is a great piecer.

Okay this is my sharing for the day. May everyone have a wonderfully stress free day.
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