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Old 07-04-2014, 12:11 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,093

Those are rarely the newest threads and barely scratch the surface of all that's available here. they hit the list because they had the highest number of views at the time the list was generated. they get the most views because they hit the list. it's a vicious circle.

If you know you want to come to the board often, the emails are a waste of time.
They slow you down. Why wait for an email?
Why let a remote computer decide what you should read?

To start at the Home Page, go to

Want to see the newest threads? Go to
That’s the Archive, which lists threads in reverse order - newest first.

Want to see the threads with the newest comments added?
Go to and then click on What’s New.

You can add any or all of those links to your browser favorites/bookmarks, put a shortcut on your desktop, or (if you are a total QB junkie like me) you can make it your home page.

Try using the direct route.
You might find you like it better. :-)
  • necessity is the mother of invention. lazy is the crazy aunt.
  • for issues regarding the reminder emails, please contact [email protected]

Last edited by patricej; 07-04-2014 at 12:34 PM.
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