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Old 07-04-2014, 08:00 PM
Super Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Rocky Mountains
Posts: 1,866

Sorry Billie Jean, I thought I would be back in town before your birthday rolled around so I didn't mail your candies. I think Nancy and Diana's will be late also. I will make sure they go out in the post office on Monday so everyone can hopefully receive them by the end of the week. My hubby and I took a road trip to Illinois to see our son and family. On the way, we stopped and saw daughter and family in Utah, Mt. Rushmore, sister in Oklahoma, and back to Utah for a couple days. We will be home tomorrow. We stopped at several quilt stores and saw some beautiful fabric and stores. Each one had a personality of their own. If we would have been a week later, I would have hit more shops participating in the Row-by-Row Hop. I did hit 3 but would have loved to have more. Each shop had a cute row. Not sure I will get the quilt done any time soon but maybe next year. I also got enough fabric for my daughter's quilt which I am excited to start. Happy birthday to all the July gals. I plan on doing better next month.

Last edited by Jannie; 07-04-2014 at 08:03 PM.
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