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Old 12-26-2009, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by wvdek
I would love to come to your home and use cloth napkins!

My DS has made me some and I have fabric to make more.

I'm not sure why folks don't use them, but I was at a dinner two weeks ago, and I was the first out of 15 + ladies who took my napkin and opened it to my side and then placed on my lap. When I needed to dab my mouth, I did so even tho I was wearing purdy red lipstick.

I cannot begin to tell you how many ladies watched me open the napkin, place on my lap, then look at their napkin as in awe, opened and placed it on their lap. However, I was the only one to gently gather and place at the left of my plate when finished.

Basic table manners apparantly have gone the wayside. I love to eat at fancy places so I can use my manners. Oh well!

Good thing you didn't have a seven course meal with all of the silverware. :roll: :roll: :oops: true so true
I use napkins properly even if they are paper...We use the "good" napkins with matching tablecloth when we are having guests for dinner.
Yes, basic table manners have gone by the wayside...I blame society as a whole.
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