Old 07-05-2014, 06:02 AM
Power Poster
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: In God's Kingdom in Tennessee
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Ladybug those are beautiful Bow Tucks. I love those bags. Mary I remember that fabric too, and Pretty Bow Tuck.

Peg that pink bag is so pretty. I love that color pink.

Pat I love all those Bow Tucks you made. Like the others they are so pretty. If I was still teaching at school that Sock Monkey Bow Tuck would be really cute to have.

I taught special education so I always tried to have things on or with me that got the attention of the students. It has been 4 years since I retired, and I am still trying to get rid of school things I no longer need or have room for. I have been emptying lots of big binder notebooks to use for patterns and things like that for sewing now. lol...

Pat all your other things you have made are pretty too. I know, because I was lucky enough to receive one of them.

Lynnie it sounds like you had a good time yesterday with eating out, and working some more on the wash cloths.

We ended up not going to the cookout at my dads, because my sisters were sick. Me and hubby just stayed around home, and watched movies. As I am typing my one sister calls to say this evening they are going down to dads to have the cookout. Not sure what I am going to do now. lol...One told me they didn't want dad to get what they have, so I would think today he could still get it.

I am going to still just go in slow motion today, and sew a little here and there. The weather is just beautiful. We all will have to enjoy it while it lasts.

Oh, I almost forgot. I will try to post a pic of my buttons as soon as I get a pic took.I will be getting a few more by maybe Monday or Tuesday.

I had put out a thing on the 'In search of' on the board about if anyone had any extra buttons they wanted to sell, and a couple responded that they would be glad to send some if I would just pay the postage. I was happy to have some coming. I was just looking for any old buttons that will help me with starting a collection, or any novelty etc. Of course I also have my very pretty flip flop buttons I received on here.

Have a great day girls.

Last edited by JuneBillie; 07-05-2014 at 06:08 AM.
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