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Old 07-18-2014, 07:58 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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okay sorry for the hard contest this time. We only had two brave players. Neither gave me all the 5 answers I was looking for. both had the answer (not the same as mine) but not wrong. So I have decided to have 2 winners this time!
Congratulations to MaT and Havplenty....thanks for playing your prizes will be in the mail shortly!

the answers (so we all learn something on the internet today!)

1) This is a mountain in Upper peninsula of Michigan. The name is also a spiky animal. Porcupine Mountains

2) It in in 2 states(Montana and Idaho) and it is named after a body part of an animal with large teeth. Beaverhead Mountains

3) This mountain is in Utah and I have a grandson with the same name. Henry Mountain

4) What state has the following mountains? Maroon Bells, Pikes Peak and Longs Peak. Colorado

5) All 50 states have mountains...true or false. Yes it is true! Although I think "mountain" maybe be used very loosely here!

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