Thread: Christmas Stars
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Old 12-27-2009, 09:53 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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I truly love every one of your Christmas quilts. I'm so sorry your gift was not well received. I have a feeling one day picky daughter will look back and wish she had more of your beautiful handwork. Some only learn in retrospect. It is not worth trying to please her with a quilt again, so move on and don't try.

Loretta, I'm sorry the gift for your mother didn't go well. It was thoughtful and caring, no matter what she said. If your mother has always been this way, it's not likely that she is going to change now, no matter what you give her. If she is getting older and changing, sometimes people's personalities alter with medication or the aging process, and, again, it is not a reflection on you. You may just have to say well, that's the way she is. You are not responsible for her happiness. You can only control how you respond. Don't let it eat you up and ruin your Christmas.
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