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Old 07-20-2014, 07:16 AM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Colorado, USA
Posts: 194

I'm cheering you on.... (because I'm chronically self-employed, myself! lol) BUT....

Beware of "businesses" that basically equate to a "job that needed an investment".

Website costs are overwhelming... as well as the amount of work they take to keep updated, etc.

I will discourage you from eBay - their fees are outrageous (9-10% that is also charged on your shipping amounts!)

I think Etsy isn't bad... They take about 3% plus another 3% or so for PayPal (and if you're going to work online, PayPal is just a "must" because so many buyers are comfortable with it). I sell a few patterns on Etsy, but most of my email list is coming in through Craftsy.

You need to create an email list of your interested people, too. The "build it and they will come" doesn't work so hot on the internet.

But here's another idea: Go check out Instagram. I have recently bought some mighty interesting fabrics from a few sellers on there. The cool thing is that you can snap a picture of the fabric, say your price, and send PayPal invoices to those that say that they want to order. Caveat: You need to build up a following there (but you would, anyway, for any online thing) ... and you should keep one account for your "destashing" or "special offerings" so you aren't *just* sending out offers for product. Keep a second account so people can see what you're personally into. The glory of this is: that interested people will see your new offerings fly by on their feed. They don't have to make the effort to go to your site, etc. Also, they will share stuff they get excited about with other people.

Best part: Costs nothing. Love that. (just your PayPal fees)

Last thing... I think you'll do better if you can possibly price your product to include free shipping. I think a lot of sales are lost when someone sees that extra $6 get added. I know it's tough... but try to find a way... maybe free shipping for $20+ orders or something.

Personally, the shipping fees don't freak me out because I can't drive my beast of an SUV very darn far without burning up $15 in fuel.
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