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Old 07-26-2014, 08:03 PM
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I agree that to mass produce don't bind them. I use a technique on the back that is similar to the way you fold a box top with the four flaps intertwined. Once I turn it right side out I top stitch around the edge.

To do this technique: do any pattern for the front but it has to be a square. For the back take four squares the same size as the front and fold them in half wrong sides together. Lay your mug rug out in this order. Batting (cut the same size as the front), on top of the the front right side up, next take one of your folded squares and lay it along the bottom raw edges matching; take the next folded square and lay it along the left side raw edges matching (the first folded square you laid out will now have half of it under the second one); take the next folded square and lay it along the top raw edges matching; take the last folded square and lay it along the right side raw edges matching tucking the bottom half of the square under the first folded square. I curve the corners (use a bottle cap as a pattern) to make it easier to turn and stitch around the edges. Trim the corners to reduce bulk. Turn the whole thing right side out where the folds come together in the middle. Top stitch. I also catch where the four folded squares meet in the middle with a few stitches to secure.

If you want to quilt the mug rug then quilt the top to the batting before adding the folded squares. You can also take the squares and fold them into triangles and do the same process. It looks really nice when you use four different coordinating fabrics on the back. I have made these with pieced fronts and also found panels that were meant to be pot holders and used those, often cutting them smaller. Those are really fast.

I wish I had a picture to post here but I've given them all away. There is probably a tutorial on this somewhere too. It is not original with me.
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