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Old 08-03-2014, 03:34 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 529

Hi All,

Well we've had a very productive day over here in Northern CA!

This morning DH had to go do some work with his dad, so I got up kinda early and cut out some pieces for the D9P I bought last week. I just wanted to see if I was going to have enough fabric-- hoping I would, because I'm working toward being on a budget. I have enough for the blocks but I'll need to make some purchases for backing and binding. I knew that when I bought the first go around, but I would have gone over last month's budget if I bought the whole thing at once. I haven't seen a coupon in my email lately, are they still sending them? I can go back to Beverly's if not. I like to shop there anyway because it helps keep the doors open. Nothing quite like being able to walk into a store and see fabric first hand.

Anyway, I'm rambling.. So I cut some 5 inch squares of the gray and yellow, washed the turquoise. Then I put together the baby quilt. :-)

About that time my husband came home, and it was time for us to go to the Sonoma County Fair and race our little dog, Parker! We came in third in our heat-- no prize for that, but it was our first race and I'm really proud of our little guy!! It was so much fun! Here's a pic of us. Again sideways. Sorry. Wish I could figure that out.


After we raced, my DH came with me to check out the quilts. They were so gorgeous. I'm really going to work on my skills so I can enter something next year. He says my quilts are good enough already but I think he maybe has some rose colored glasses laying around!!

I'm loving seeing all of your pics: IrishGal, I really, really love the colors in your quilt. I can't believe you got it put together so quickly! Nanna-up-North, I love everything about your guitar quilt. PenniF, your wedding quilts are just so beautiful, they will be treasured I'm sure. Sisty88, love the colors in your hexi quilt-- and admire your patience. I just don't have it!! tusconquilter, those little trees are super cute! Sunnie, so cool to see the pinwheels together with the butterflies!!

So, I'm gonna have a sit for a few minutes, and then put the borders on the baby quilt. Hoping to have it on the rack tonight, ready to quilt tomorrow. I'm thinking of doing a free motion daisy chain sort of a thing. I would love some input on how other folks have quilted their D9P's.

Sorry so long. I'm really enjoying being a member of this board!
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