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Old 08-07-2014, 11:56 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
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I just got paid $35 for making a baby quilt, all my own fabrics, however, it was for my best friend's daughter who wanted me to make one to give to her new niece, Emma, who was born a little early on June 30. First of all, she's a dear friend and I've known Marti since she and my son were babies. I just made a simple 9-patch with alternating squares of fabric, and I used all the fabrics from my stash, a pretty fairy princess fabric in pinks/purples/aqua. Marti loved the other 2 I'd made her before several years ago, and was understanding when I told her it would take 2-3 weeks, although it took longer but she was OK with that. I just can't whip them out like I used to before my shoulder surgery. Anyway, since she is supplying some of the fabrics, i.e. her deceased FIL's shirts, I might charge $50-$75, but I would make that clear up front so there will be no surprises. A friend of mine made a T-shirt quilt for another friend's daughter, but when she heard the price, she complained and only paid her $75, which barely covered the cost of fabrics, especially since she requested penguin fabric, not easily found. Give her an amount up front and see where it goes from there. Unless they are crafters or quilters, people always fail to realize how much work and effort goes into making a quilt, besides the materials. I don't know if this helps or not, I'm just giving you some from my experiences.
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