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Old 08-08-2014, 04:46 PM
Jan in VA
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I'm really sorry you had to go to this length for the quilt you made, that really takes any fun there may have been right out of it all.
So far I've avoided this, BUT..... I make a written contract that states, in part, that "buyer agrees to pay $xxx for the quilt". We both sign the contract and they get a photocopy.

Before delivery I contact them to advise it's ready and will be delivered on such-and-such a date/time and will collect payment AT THAT TIME. If I don't go home with the check, the quilt comes home with me!

IF I had been unable to contact the buyer at that time, after 2 calls and written contact which had to be signed for, if that letter was not delivered, then I'd consider the quilt to be mine to sell or keep. If I have all the written paperwork and copies of attempts to contact, then I feel like my butt is covered if dispute arises.

Then again, I not only try to protect myself, but the buyer as well, because I have also signed the contract that stated the price and expected date of completion.

Jan in VA

Originally Posted by pegquilter8 View Post
OK here goes. Even with quotes in writing, I still got SCR..... She had 5 quilts that her Gran had made,even a couple that she had sat at her feet in Gran's quilting group. But pieces that would need assembling and stitching to foundation. Mostly hand pieces dresden plates.
The deal. Turn all the squares into quilts she could give to sons and sibs. Okay 5 in pieces, but blocks done. okay #6 actually in parts. What a challenge. I needed to purchase sashing fabrics, batting and backings.
I quoted prices for each, the went on to finish them all in a month. Sent pictures as progress made and prices each time of finishe product.
So ready? Mailbox full, accepting no mew messages. Mailed at least 10 cards, explaining that I want my money. My expenses about $700.00. Paid out a little at a time yes but it is still quite a bit of cash.
NO responses. My last card was 6 months ago when I told her that I would be selling the lot (5) for $1500.00 and she could have back the pieces of Dresden squares.
So make sure you get a very hefty down payment, at least half. so you have something. Document each step and correspondence.
Good Luck.
I for one have learned my lesson. Never aain without 75% up front to cover my expenses. Peg
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