Old 08-13-2014, 04:53 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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I started out securing my fabric with large rubber coated paper clips to keep it secured around the boards. I bought them at The Dollar Tree and they come in packages of 80. However, I have found that the fabric stays put without them when aligned on my shelves. I used to work at Hancock Fabrics and when we put the bolts on the shelves we just folded the end under a couple of inches and it stayed put due to the bolts on either side. All of the Hobby Lobby stores I have been in use a small silver straight pin. I think that just opens the door for the customers and the workers to get stabbed with pin. Our Joann's does some kind of elaborate fold thing and then they stuff the end in between the layers of the bolt at the top. It wrinkles the fabric something fierce and it can actually stretch the corner of the fabric at the cut end.
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