Thread: Squirrels!!
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Old 08-14-2014, 01:09 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
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DH had a raised bed. It was about 2 ft. off the ground. He put 1/2" hole chicken wire (I call it) around the bed and made a frame to cover with 2 different openings. It was about 3 ft. high. Since he was curious, he got a trail cam to see what kind of critters were interested in the garden and to see how his idea of a raised garden bed would work. It worked keeping 4 legged critters out. Much to our dismay though it didn't deter 2 legged critters. We caught 3 young kids from the neighborhood who poured bleach and ammonia on the bed. The camera caught the direction and house they ran into. The next day DH showed the video to the neighbor and his sons and a friend were standing right there watching the video. DH took the $100.00 from the guy for cost and said if you want to press charges do it. DH said "No they will work/volunteer in a community harvest garden and see how much work goes into preparing and nurturing a garden so food can be put on the table to feed the hungry" They actually thought the $100.00 was the end of it. DH did threaten them if they did not do this he would press charges. Not sure what they're doing now but hopefully they did learn something from this. Dh did build another and it worked well. Wire kept the birds and we had a nice little harvest.
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